Jargo is a German teen brought up in Saudi Arabia. Moving to Berlin, Jargo maintains his Arabian clothing until he encounters a similar aged German...
Dazlak – Skinhead
A neurotic waitress with a phobia of coins struggles with visions of the microscopic world of dirt and germs. As she fights to control her darkest...
Eleven-year-old Thabo wants to become a private detective like in the movies. If only his home, the small African village of Hlatikulu, was not the...
Thabo and the Rhino Case
A programmer develops a self-aware artificial intelligence software that begins to act politically
Machines of Loving Grace
After Leon left his team in the historic 25-1 defeat against the national team, Die wilden Kerle broke up. Only the little Nerv still believes in his...
The Wild Soccer Bunch 3
Up Up
After being exploited by The Hand for far too long, a small group of seamstresses organizes a ritual to summon an occult power to achieve better...
The Spell
A cellphone collector a.k.a. snatcher steals a drug dealer's phone and the delivery that eventually leads into a confrontation with the syndicate's...