A story spanning three generations, from 1871 to 1945. When Gustav Wengler, a farmer’s son, returns from the Franco-German war in 1871, he goes...
Wengler & Sons
The young and rebellious Werther is passionately, but hopelessly, in love with Lotte. Although he knows that she is married to somebody who can offer...
The Sorrows of Young Werther
1942. The members of the Voß family, mother, two daughters, a daughter-in-law, and a son-in-law, are living in a house at the river. A fellow...
The House on the River
A teenager is found murdered, and the examining doctor recognizes her son's knife. The film works its way back to reveal how this situation came...
Vernehmung der Zeugen
Maja Wegner is in her late thirties and a single mother of a teenage daughter. To give her stale life a new direction, she decides to start all over...
Kaskade rückwärts
Christine inherits a sailboat from her father, whom she barely knew. Christine is a divorced single mother and her job at a research insitute leaves...
Die Alleinseglerin
Das Herz des Piraten
Hüpf, Häschen, hüpf
Die Weihnachtsgans Auguste
Die erste Reihe
Sunny is the singer of band trying to establish itself in the music-scene of East-Berlin. They play regular gigs in small towns, but Sunny feels out...
Solo Sunny
Television film based on a short story by Christa Wolf.
For five years Rogelio, a Chilean exile, has been in the GDR, where he works as a lighting technician at a theater. Though his colleagues try to make...
Blond Tango
When East Germany ceases to be separate from its western half, one would think that things would be better for the couple in this movie who have been...
Apple Trees
Karate-Billi kehrt zurück
Kelly Bastian - Geschichte einer Hoffnung
Haus Herzenstod
Diktatur des Gewissens
A group of young people draws straws to see who'll steal some cigarettes. With this theft, Sebastian starts a bizarre, symbolic odyssey through a...
Franz Xavier Stannebein, a young boy at the turn of the 20th century, wants to do nothing more than fly. He carries this dream through his years at...
The Airship
Der kleine Herr Friedemann
Die Ritter der Tafelrunde