On behalf of "oppressed bugs everywhere," an inventive ant named Flik hires a troupe of warrior bugs to defend his bustling colony from a horde of...
A Bug's Life
An animated version of the much loved 1960's TV series. This time the Jupiter 2 is a space shuttle on its way from Earth to Saturn, commanded by...
Lost in Space
Host John Larroquette takes viewers on a nostalgic trip through the 1965-1968 sci-fi comedy series. The disc's rare footage include Guy Williams's...
Lost In Space Forever
A look at the first years of Pixar Animation Studios - from the success of "Toy Story" and Pixar's promotion of talented people, to the building of...
The Pixar Story
Drama that focuses on the later life of Peter, one of the closest disciples of Jesus.
The Big Fisherman
The Wicked Queen is dead but her brother, Lord Maliss, seeks for revenge. Using the Magic Mirror to locate Snow White and the Prince, he transforms...
Happily Ever After
Andy heads off to Cowboy Camp, leaving his toys to their own devices. Things shift into high gear when an obsessive toy collector named Al McWhiggen,...
Toy Story 2
Rainbow Brite, and her magical horse Starlite, must stop an evil princess and her underlings from taking over the planet Spectra. When they meet...
Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer
Two U.S. Secret Service agents are lured on a bizarre search for their rookie partner who has mysteriously disappeared.Two secret agents set out in...
Jonathan Harris is the entertaining host & narrator. Witches, Warlocks & Wizards gives a history of witches, their male counterparts, and wizards...
Witches, Warlocks & Wizards
It tells the story of a science geek who befriends a talking brain-in-a-jar.
Hubert's Brain
Based on the story of the start of Australia's colonisation. An American medical student is falsely convicted of robbery, with his sentence involving...
Botany Bay
The wife of a San Francisco police commissioner drags him into a charity auction theft, which leads to a murder.
Once Upon a Dead Man
Comedy-drama about a bunch of police rookies who conspire to convince their hard-nosed sergeant that a seriously ill fellow officer, two weeks away...
Last of the Good Guys
Pinocchio and his friends, a glow worm and a marionette, search for a magic music box, putting them in danger from the evil Scalawag and the Emperor...
Pinocchio and the Emperor of the Night