Deep within Buenos Aires's labyrinthine subway system, a train mysteriously disappears along with its 30 passengers. The subway officials are greatly...
The story revolves around the life of Leopold, a middle-class father; his wife Isabel working for a decadent comedian; Beto, the son, a taxi driver;...
The Notice of the Day
A group of working-class losers plot to give an old gypsy mobster a heart attack in order to recover a valuable car. They decide to build a monster...
You Don't Know Who You're Talking To
John J. is a seasoned hit man sent on a job to Argentina. When the General he's sent to kill delays his return to the country, John passes the time...
Assassination Tango
Nora and Antonio organize a prestigious celebration and invite their humble relatives.
Waiting for the Hearse 2: The Party is Over
Two con artists try to swindle a stamp collector by selling him a sheet of counterfeit rare stamps (the "nine queens").
Nine Queens
Fearless gunslinger, Lucky Luke, is ordered by the President to bring peace to Daisy Town.
Lucky Luke
Two rival families of different origin join the force by the love of two young. The journalist Ariel Cohen falls in love for Carla Rosi, while...
Cohen vs. Rosi