A group of actors in Madrid are cast in a theatre show conceived as a dance marathon and as an unscripted competition. ‘Malditos’ follows...
The brief life of Jean Michel Basquiat, a world renowned New York street artist struggling with fame, drugs and his identity.
A group of young people inadvertently resurrect a seemingly invisible evil.
The Wailing
Jacobo is a young sculptor that returns to native city, Santiago of Compostela, to see his mother, locked up a psychiatric hospital for to kill to...
13 Curses
1492: Conquest of Paradise depicts Christopher Columbus’ discovery of The New World and his effect on the indigenous people.
1492: Conquest of Paradise
Toby, a cynical film director finds himself trapped in the outrageous delusions of an old Spanish shoe-maker who believes himself to be Don Quixote....
The Man Who Killed Don Quixote