A quirky female comedy which chronicles the dating misadventures of Jennifer & Melissa -- two girls fresh out of college -- as they attempt to...
Let's Get Laid!
A struggling housewife decides to become a real estate agent and inadvertently puts her life in danger when she takes a job with a corrupt broker who...
On a treasure hunt gone wrong, modern-day adventurer Sinbad accidentally releases the Furies, three beautiful but terrible ancient beings powerful...
Sinbad and the War of the Furies
The story of Henry McBride, a down and out cowboy with a painful past he can't drink away. Living on his last dollar with nowhere to go, he ends up...
Out of the Wild
Two contentious buddies head into the forest for a work retreat, stumble upon an isolated meth lab, and find themselves fighting for their lives.
Boyne Falls
IT guru Libby gets more than she bargained for when, after losing her job, she reluctantly agrees to help a cop with fostering two abandoned kids.
The Reluctant Nanny
Someone is killing beautiful young Hipsters in East L.A. Charlie is a crime scene cleaner working for Aftershocks Inc. with a penchant for Sherlock...
The Scenesters