The Cheating Game revolves around Hope (Julie Anne San Jose) and Miguel (Rayver Cruz). Hope is an NGO worker who finds out her fiance is cheating on...
The Cheating Game
The story revolves around 3 best of friends. Kara, the cosplayer and online retailer. George the boyish football wannabe, Enzo, the Mr. Fix-It
Tween Academy: Class of 2012
A family of bloodthirsty monsters descends on the city to take revenge on the man that caused the death of so many of their own.
Kubot: The Aswang Chronicles 2
a 2012 Filipino romance-drama film directed by Mac Alejandre, starring one of the hottest Kapuso loveteams in the generation Julie Anne San Jose and...
Just One Summer
Isabel Reyes (Rhian Ramos) is an infamous soap opera villain in the country. Everyone simply loathes Isabel which makes her the most condemned...
My Kontrabida Girl