Sophie, a quiet and shy maid working for an upper-class French family, finds a friend in the energetic and uncompromising postmaster Jeanne, who...
La Ceremonie
In the sterile setting of a powerful multinational, a ruthless corporate executive and her ambitious protégée bare their claws in a...
Love Crime
Frédérique Letheil, who heads the research department of the Emmerson oil group, has sacrificed her private and sentimental life to her...
On n'est pas là pour s'aimer
In June 1940, in a village of Franche-Comté occupied by the Germans, five children decide to join the resistance in their own way, against the...
La victoire des vaincus
After returning from a long African exile, a sixty-year-old woman leaves her unfaithful husband and starts anew with her five-year-old granddaughter.
À nous deux la vie