Once a year, on Christmas Eve, Cafe Telekinesis holds a real psychic party. At the party, psychics gather together to show off their abilities while...
Go Find a Psychic!
The Futurians, time-travelers from the 23rd century, arrive in Japan to warn them of the nation's destruction under Godzilla. They offer to help...
Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah
Taki joins the UFO Research Laboratory (URL) trying to find his wife and children kidnapped by the aliens.
A UFO Intruder
Junichi Yaoi talks about secret theories about aliens.
Junichi Yaoi's UFO On-site Coverage Vol.3: Is there a Child between a Human and an Alien - Explore the Mystery of the Underground Secret Base!!
Junichi Yaoi's UFO On-site Coverage Vol.2: A Series of Kidnappings by Aliens. Uncovering the Truth behind Human Experiments!
Earth Defense Girl Iko-chan 3: Big Operation in Big Edo