As an unexpected typhoon bears down on a small tropical island, a group of students trapped at school find themselves forced to put aside their...
Typhoon Noruda
This is a story of "Takechiyo," the previous name of Iemitsu Tokunaga, the third Shogun (General). Takechiyo got sick of daily run-of-the-mill tasks,...
The King and His Vassal
The fish market is to be moved to Shinagawa, and Tasuke Isshin (Jun Inoue) got in trouble. Hikosaemon Ookubo (Eijiro Tono) heard of it from Tasuke,...
The King and His Vassal 2 - The Great Riot of Edo
Yuta Okkotsu is a nervous high school student who is suffering from a serious problem—his childhood friend Rika has turned into a curse and...
Jujutsu Kaisen 0
Moshimo, Japan. The annual fireworks festival is about to take place and a group of schoolboys, arguing over whether they are round or flat when...