A young woman finds herself a prisoner in the home of an old man who has recently lost his wife. As her desperate attempts to escape accelerate, the...
Jerry is a strange and solitary boy who lives with his young neglectful mother in a run down apartment. He spends his weekends hidden away in his...
Box Room
Guests at a housewarming party are slipped a mysterious drug. When ugly truths start to emerge, chaos reigns and threatens the relationships of old...
Truth Serum
A dying 15-year-old boy draws stories of an invincible superhero as he struggles with his mortality.
Death of a Superhero
A mother strives to shield her young family from their new reality when their landlord sells the property and renders them homeless.
When a child goes missing in a small town, a troubled fisherman is forced to confront the past that destroyed his family.
The Invisible Boy