The Pearl Harbor Attack by Japan in 1941 and the nuclear bomb explosion in 1945 together led to the independence of Chosun (Korea). Behind these...
Jung-min, a rookie lawyer, becomes Yoona’s public attorney, as she is accused of murdering her husband. Against a nasty prosecutor, a...
Nam-do and Nam-shik are two brothers who were raised by their poor grandmother on a mountainside in a remote region of Kangwon Province. Hoping to...
The Pinwheel That Spins Alone
Seung-gi has been living under a strict father, blaming himself everytime when a natural but uncontrollable desire surges from inside of him....
A Pharisee
Han Byung-tae, who teaches at a private after-school academy in Seoul, receives word that his old teacher has passed away and sets off to the rural...
Our Twisted Hero