During lockdown, five friends who have moved to different cities after graduating from their high school play guessing games via Zoom. An unexpected...
Girl Who Cried Wolf
During a global pandemic, Laszlo isolates himself in his apartment. He avoids any kind of human contact. Until one evening the new neighbor Zoe rings...
Miss Merkel - Mord auf dem Friedhof
Die verkaufte Prinzessin
The happy gay couple David and Khaled would love to marry publicly - if there weren't Khaled's homophobic father Faisal, David's pseudo orthodox...
Family Commitments
Fenster Blau
Jessica knows exactly what her life is supposed to look like and where it takes her. But then she meets Danny. He has a complicated past and could...
Close to the Horizon
Ich hab den Weihnachtsmann geküsst