The movie is based on a Fatmir Gjata screenplay. Gjata had written a novel with the same title earlier. The events evolve in the 1950s. The main...
Three years after the fascist occupation, a group of children create the anti-fascist organization called "Debatik". Coli, an orphan boy, manages to...
The Discussion
After the agrarian reform, a dispute for the land starts between two families in north Albania.
Our Land
Action war film drama directed and written by Hysen Hakani with Muharrem Skënderi.
The Guerrilla Unit
Tomori has managed to infiltrate a foreign agency and is trying to discover their secret documents, bases, and means of communication.
Special Task
Based on a true story, set during the drainage of the Maliq swamp.
The Early Years
Kujtim works as a car mechanic. He makes a mistake and does not fix the brakes of a truck properly, which leads to a deadly accident. He feels...
The Conscience
"Mysafiri" is an intelligence agent who infiltrates a foreign agency operating in Albania.
The Guest