A tormented jazz musician finds himself lost in an enigmatic story involving murder, surveillance, gangsters, doppelgängers, and an impossible...
Lost Highway
Miki and her younger brother Robby flee their destructive home and find themselves in the towering metropolis of Los Angeles. There, they meet...
A controversial talk show host becomes involved in the murder of a beautiful woman in a war for ratings.
Power 98
Nick Jenkins finds himself back in the single scene as his relationship with his fiancee abruptly fall apart. With his roommate and best friend Jed...
Dating Games People Play
An old-time mogul struggles to reenter the club where power and money make the rules.
The Last Producer
A mother going through a painful, protracted divorce realizes too late the effect it's having on her troubled son.
Silence of the Heart
Young high school couple Darcy Elliot and Stan Bobrucz are one year from graduation, with promising futures ahead of them. But their paths take a...
For Keeps
A thirty-something Irish-American former matador teaches a bull-fighting class in Greenwich Village. After the sexual conquest of a number of his...
Time of Her Time
A trigger-happy outlaw goes on the run and a burned out, disillusioned cop gives chase. They end up head-to-head in a Los Angeles shoot out.
Against the Law
Chili Palmer is a Miami mobster who gets sent by his boss, the psychopathic "Bones" Barboni, to collect a bad debt from Harry Zimm, a Hollywood...
Get Shorty
Widowed U.S. president Andrew Shepherd, one of the world's most powerful men, can have anything he wants -- and what he covets most is Sydney Ellen...
The American President