In 1950, the Korean War broke out, the war on both sides of the Yalu River, a new serious threat to China's security. Countless outstanding young...
Salute to the Heroes
In this mystifying world, a creature is reborn every 333 years. This creature is Kuiba. The creature is an exploitation of a loophole in the...
Fifteen hundred years after the war of gods, the heaven declined. Yang Jian, the God of Erlang, made a living by working as a catcher. One day, Yang...
New Gods: Yang Jian
Young and beautiful single mother Li Meihua uses all her savings to open a bridal shop. Unfortunately, a fire broke out in the shop just before...
Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
Suzhou is a city where the ancient and the modern co-exist. For more than 2,500 years, the city has passed down a large number of intangible cultural...
The Magical Craftsmanship of SuZhou
Documentary about the history and development of Qiqihar city.
Crane City of the North