Laurice Guillen's first attempt as a movie director resulted in a masterful portrayal by a powerful cast on the social changes that challenge the old...
A documentary TV special on the life of Lino Brocka, released in 1998 for Pinoy Blockbuster Original.
Lino: His Art and Life
Documentary filmmaker Christian Blackwood profiles controversial Filipino director Lino Brocka, detailing his rags-to-riches rise in the mainstream...
Signed: Lino Brocka
Mario O'Hara's surreal debut film about a man recovering from mental illness.
A documentary on the life and work of National Artists Lino Brocka and Ishmael Bernal.
Brocka x Bernal
Film critic Tony Rayns interviews Lino Brocka and other prominent Filipino filmmakers.
Visions Cinema: Film in the Philippines - A Report by Tony Rayns
Making-of documentary about Lino Brocka's 1975 film "Manila in the Claws of Light," featuring interviews and behind-the-scenes footage.
Manila... A Filipino Film
Signos (1984) is a Super 8mm film documentary that was a true product of its time, a collaboration by film artists and writers, who, in spite of...
With interviews with National Artists Lamberto Avellana and Lino Brocka and myriad talents from the Mowelfund community such as Nick Deocampo and...
Beyond the Mainstream: A Salute to Philippine Independent Cinema