A classic of the silent age, this film tells the story of the doomed but ultimately canonized 15th-century teenage warrior. On trial for claiming...
The Passion of Joan of Arc
Henri Andréani's adaptation of the Biblical story of David and Goliath, starring Berthe Bovy starring as the young warrior.
David and Goliath
La Tragique Aventure de Robert le Taciturne, duc d'Aquitaine
The final film of André Antoine.Based on the play by Alphonse Daudet. In the nineteenth century, in Camargue, the charming...
Jean Clédat, a young sculptor, has fallen in love with Gabrielle Normand, a painter. Jean's father, who expected him to perform his art in his...
When Paris Loves
An honest worker is made redundant, but he will solve his problems by marrying the employer's daughter.
Struggle for Life
Maxime Vermont tries to get a financial help from his father-in-law, to no avail. Inspired by an idea from a pulp serial, Maxime sets out to kill his...
Gold Fever
This light-hearted comedy takes place at and around a Parisien haute-couture fashion house and tells a love triangle story.
An Episode Under Henry III
Au temps des druides
This film tells the dramatic story of the death of this famous Bible character and his trip to the witch of Endor, who forecasted his tragic end. The...
The Death of Saul
The work of Jacques Serval.
L'oeuvre de Jacques Serval
Herr Pierre Van Groot owns two barges. Van Groot, his wife, and his sister-in-law navigate along the north channels between Belgium and France. Herr...
The Swallow and the Titmouse
Directed by Albert Capellani.
Le courrier de Lyon
Bonaparte et Pichegru
The Man With the Big Coat
A young English lord, who has been excavating in Egypt, finds a mummy of a beautiful Egyptian princess, more than 5,000 years old. So well has the...
La momie
When a mercenary kidnaps the daughter of his employer he is hunted down.
The Mercenary (Le Reitre)