In 1950s Italy, a government official arrives in a rural town to investigate a grisly child murder. The culprit is a young boy who claims to have...
Mr. Devil
In the '80s, a teenage nerd notices sinister parallels between the story of his favorite comic book and the real life horrors befalling the small...
The Crypt Monster
The Vegetarian
Today is Matilde's first day of school. Her father Claudio had to take her there but he didn't come.
Matilde's First Day
Fake news and racial integration: is there a connection? 5 stories, a rifle, the patron' festival and a small community with its everyday life are...
War in Cuba
Don Zeno - L'uomo di Nomadelfia
A troubled young man falls for an American military auxiliary after a single glance. A year later, he moves to the American Midwest to write his...
The American Backyard
Samuele and Marzio, as teenagers, make a promise to be friends forever, but adulthood, women and everyday problems sneak into their lives.
La quattordicesima domenica del tempo ordinario