In an Italian seaside town, young Titta gets into trouble with his friends and watches various local eccentrics as they engage in often absurd...
Amelia and Pippo are reunited after several decades to perform their old music-hall act, imitating Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, on a TV variety...
Ginger and Fred
A group of friends decide to go on vacation and they use an agency, the Via Col Vento tours, to organize it. The latter promises them a holiday of...
Una vacanza bestiale
Ugo is an old actor who feels too young to be in an "old actor's house". He just can't stand the rules of the other old people so he escapes with a...
First Love
An archeologist's wife has recurring nightmares about ritual killings in an Etruscan tomb while her husband is away excavating a lost temple. After a...
Scorpion with Two Tails