When a love story goes awry, two young lovers are forced to take to the road with the police hot on their heels. They escape across Karnataka in a...
Kanaka is a 2018 Indian Kannada romantic action film directed by R. Chandru. It features Duniya Vijay, Hariprriya and Manvitha Harish in the lead...
Duniya Soori's Tagaru takes us on a bloody ride through the dark underbelly of the underworld and their clash against the police.
India vs England is an upcoming Indian Kannada-language Romantic Thriller film directed by Nagathihalli Chandrashekar and produced by...
India vs England
The film is the narrative which emerges through various decades, encapsulating the lives of four people and their love lives while sending across a...
The film is, ironically, about the breakdown of a marriage that began with love. Although the skillful blending of the mystery and relationship drama...
Happily Married