Lacking a traditional plot, the non-linear story follows the path of emotions and sensations. Based on actual events the film shows five acts –...
Such a Landscape
A sociopath begins a relationship with the daughter of a couple he intends to murder.
Hardkor Disko
A hitchhiker is taken in by a remote Polish mountain community. Tested by the hardened locals and the unforgiving harshness of his new environment he...
Lulek, a hit man, is released from prison and given an offer he can't refuse by the man who put him away. If he kills the chief of the Central Bureau...
Anatomy of Evil
One of the biggest Polish film premieres of 2012 and eagerly anticipated for over a decade, it is the story of the late 90s generation and the three...
You Are God
This is the story of three characters (brothers Tomek and Jacek and their neighbor Magda), each of them is in their own way lonely and alienated. The...
The Girl from the Wardrobe
Jack, an unappreciated American writer in his sixties, comes to the off-season peninsula of Hel in the north of Poland and isolates himself to write...
In the prehistoric past, Keda, a young and inexperienced hunter, struggles to return home after being separated from his tribe when bison hunting...
The action of the film begins in the 1970s – even then, the young protagonist knows that adrenaline tastes better than powdered milk. Over...
How I Became a Gangster
Two mermaid sisters, who end up performing at a nightclub, face cruel and bloody choices when one of them falls in love with a beautiful young man.
The Lure
Desires, obsessions and unfulfilled love - the psychedelic formula of the play pushes the previous boundaries of communication with the audience.