Set within the fictional city of Mahoro, Keisuke Tada runs a "benriya" - a general problem solver for hire. His assistant is his former high school...
A single father and judicial clerk named Tsutomu's violent past in organized crime threatens to catch up to him when his daughter is taken hostage.
Aki is an unsuccessful 29-year-old actress who eventually became a magician's assistant. While pretending to be hypnotised on the stage, Aki finds...
The Limit of Sleeping Beauty
Youths taking on the challenge of men's cheerleading is depicted in this coming-of-age drama by GOGO♂ike-men5 writer/director, Fukuyama...
A drama in which Yasuko Sawaguchi starred in the movie for the first time in nine years since "Autumn Autumn" and played an elementary school teacher...
Kôtei ni kochi fuite