Parasuram, shaped by traumatic childhood experiences, evolves into a ruthless enforcer, with the help of his aid Ramadasu, willing to sacrifice even...
Maama Mascheendra
Vijay, a failed but talented film director starts selling Kondapalli toys made by his sculptor parents to make a living. He falls in love with...
Organic Mama Hybrid Alludu
Leela, an aspiring heroine, is forced to tie the knot with Arivu, 35-year-old Malaysian return simpleton hailing from the same village. After knowing...
An unfaithful newly-wed wife, an estranged parent, a priest and an angry son suddenly find themselves in the most unexpected predicaments, each...
Super Deluxe
Abhi wants to make a feature film with an antagonist as his lead and finds the perfect muse in the ruthless Gaddalakonda Ganesh. How he finally...
Gaddalakonda Ganesh
A sports film directed by Suseenthiran, starring Mirnalini Ravi, Vishwa and Narain Kumar in the lead roles.
The Normal life of a villager turns living hell when he starts to realizes that is family keeps boundaries to it's members and also discovers that...
MGR Magan
A genius mathematician doubles up as a hit man, assassinating people opposing a ruthless corporate behemoth. While he manages to stay ahead of the...
Two childhood friends end up on opposite extremes of morality, and face each other in a good vs evil war.
A neurosurgeon who is stuck in a time loop tries to save his estranged wife from being killed by a mystery man.