The documentary presents the life of young favela dwellers who work with drug trafficking. The documentary was recorded between 1998 and 2006, when...
Falcão: Meninos do Tráfico
Abdias Nascimento
Alan do Rap was one of the precursors of Hip Hop in Salvador, who to promote his songs would invade the stage of famous hip hop acts and take the...
With his mom's salon on the brink of bankruptcy, a dedicated son rolls up his sleeves to help and discovers himself as the coolest barber on the...
A Cut Above
Janaína is a black screenwriter embarking on a new audiovisual project. She meets the rest of the team, where all of whom are white, on a...
Falas Negras: Histórias (Im)possíveis
Dudu Nobre - Ao Vivo
Débora is an advertiser who has always put her career above her love life. Work and love mix when she runs a campaign for Valentine's Day,...
Odeio o Dia dos Namorados
Jessica, Sabrina and Daiane have dreams, just like all young people of any social class or place in the world. They live in a low-income neighborhood...
Stolen Dreams