True story of the lifelong romance between novelist Iris Murdoch and her husband John Bayley, from their student days through her battle with...
Academy Award nominee and Tony Award-winner John Lithgow (Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Shrek, 3rd Rock from the Sun) takes the title role in Arthur Wing...
National Theatre Live: The Magistrate
Mike Lane takes to the stage again after a lengthy hiatus, following a business deal that went bust, leaving him broke and taking bartender gigs in...
Magic Mike's Last Dance
Mr. Whicher is hired by former Home Secretary Sir Edward Shore to investigate the violent threats made against his son Charles, who has recently...
Beyond the Pale
A divorce case involving a landowner and his young wife spirals into something darker, drawing Mr. Whicher into the heart of the English countryside...
The Ties That Bind
1850, and Europe’s most feared terrorist is hiding in Dean Street, Soho. Broke, restless and horny, the thirty-two-year-old revolutionary is a...
National Theatre Live: Young Marx