This is a warm human story set between the two world wars in Leskovac, where a real miracle happens with an unusual set of circumstances and builds...
Once Upon a Time in Serbia
The key character in the story story is Marko, a failed scriptwriter, who has been working as a taxi driver for years and follows his adventures...
Taxi Blues
“Safety First!” is a story of two young couples, who try to hook up one night, during COVID. Everything works against them, including...
Safety First!
Short drama movie.
Children of the City
A brutally realistic story about a life of a young singer who changes his life towards new opportunities in his career.
The story takes place in the Belgrade mental hospital on Guberevac during the WWI, where notable Serbian writer Petar Kočić spends his last...
A Stowaway on the Ship of Fools
Mile, a runaway boy from the orphanage, spends his days and nights on the streets, begging for money and food. Cast out and alone, he manages to get...
The movie takes us through the saga of the actor, Veljko Radisavljević, who has the impression that the entire universe has conspired against...
Common Story