A year has passed since a series of gruesome murders took the lives of multiple college seniors aboard the now infamous Terror Train. The survivors...
Terror Train 2
When a retiring assassin realizes that he is the target of a hit, he winds up back in the game going head to head with a gang of younger, ruthless...
Following the suspected suicide of her friend and fellow teacher, Julie Taylor is hired to take over the senior math class for the last few weeks of...
Psycho Prom Queen
A pair of comic book writers begin to notice scary similarities between the character they created and horrific real-life events.
Random Acts of Violence
When 21-year-old Ashley Beck-Ford finds her biological mother, Sara Hillman, online, she is shocked and thrilled… But building a relationship...
My Mom's Darkest Secrets
When camps around the country were shutting down every year and Camp Kitchikewana made the economically necessary move to turn co-ed, the result was...
Boys vs. Girls
Rayanne struggles with her eating disorder.
Small Displays of Chaos