An American-born Jewish adolescent, Hannah Stern, is uninterested in the culture, faith and customs of her relatives. However, she begins to...
The Devil's Arithmetic
World War II finally reaches a Yugoslavian lake, where a lifeguard shelters a refugee and her son.
That Summer of White Roses
Adaptation of Arthur Miller's play set in Brooklyn 1938, focusing on the marriage of Sylvia and Phillip Gellburg against the backdrop of...
Broken Glass
Two boyhood friends end up on different sides of the law. How will each react when they meet up for the first time since school?
Bad Boy Blues
Simon is an outcast from his Jewish community because he claims that the devil talks to him and he has the ability to put curses on crops. When Dovid...
Simon Magus
A word for word depiction of the life of Jesus Christ from the Good News Translation Bible as recorded in the Gospel of John.
The Gospel of John