The story revolves around a crew member of a spaceship who is murdered. The remaining crew-mates lock themselves in the cafeteria after the murder to...
Among Us
A story inspired by the largest single rescue mission of downed Allied airmen behind enemy lines in aviation history of all time, codenamed...
The Heroes of Halyard
When the lives of two women at polar opposites cross each other, the roles get switched. From victim to perpetrator, the step is short.
Decent People
The young rookie criminal V gets captured by mobsters during a mission. Now his client, Johnny Silverhand has to step in and complete the mission,...
Cyberpunk 2077: Phoenix Program
Four years after the end of the German Democratic Republic, Katarina Witt, two-time Olympic champion, is planning her comeback to prove to herself...
Kati: A Freestyle That Stays
A man of words is forced to become a man of action as John discovers the secret bucket list of his ill son Robin. The two abscond from the hospital...
Robin: Watch for Wishes
With his training almost complete, Darth Maul must face six Jedi in order to reach his true potential, and become a Dark Lord of the Sith.
Darth Maul: Apprentice