One day, Jason finds an unusual board game called Mamba. When his surfer friends start to play, the games unleashes its deadly curse, killing the...
Open Graves
Spain. The Basque Country. Sometime in the 90s. Josu Jon, a young member of a terrorist organization, has suffered an almost complete memory loss...
Todos estamos invitados
Featuring plenty of two-fisted action with romantic and political overtones, this intelligent thriller from Spanish director Daniel Calparsoro is set...
Once upon a time: a return, a town, a dead person, a family ... and a story.
Four years after his disappearance, the mysterious case of Nacho, a young and promising painter, is reopened by the police.
The Art of Dying
Carlota works as an ambulance driver for the SAMUR. She becomes infatuated with porno-comic artist Number One, whom she meets after the latter...
Nada en la nevera
Yoyes, the first woman to hold responsibility positions within ETA, returns from exile in Mexico and try to rebuild her life. But her return is not...