This movie is about the life of a middle class, widowed father, Shrikant that takes an unexpected turn when his seven year old Son, Mandar collapses...
The story revolves around Abhi who get involved with three women, Neha, Anagha and Manjula. Will Abhi manage to hide his secret or will he get caught
Alok is bored of seeing proposals for arrange marriage and has rejected 34 and without any regret rejects 35th one.Alok finds Ashwini little boring...
Bhetali Tu Punha
Sanngto Aika
Poshter Boyz is a humorous take on a key social issue where three ordinary individuals of completely different age-groups find themselves brought...
Poshter Boyz
Explore the lives of the residents of Daagdi Chaawl, a notorious slum in Mumbai, as they attempt to rebuild after the destruction of their homes.
Daagdi Chawl 2
Five friends decide to take a reunion trip after one of them loses her fiance a month before her wedding. However, the trip brings up unresolved...
A simple man Surya is living a peaceful middle class life but an incident forces him to join hands with criminal forces.
Dagadi Chawl
Nilkanth Master is based in the pre-independence era in Maharashtra. Vishwanath (Omkar Govardhan) joins a revolutionary group after earning the trust...
Nilkanth Master
A vet returns home to his father's elephant reserve where he encounters and fights an international poacher's racket.
A couple moves into a new house in the middle of sugarcane fields unaware that it is haunted by evil spirits.
Hide and Seek (Lapachhapi)
Aditya runs his family business he follows a vegan diet.His dream is to take business to another level and wants his workers to be paid well.But his...
In today's hectic world, what everyone really needs is a moment of respite.
Kshanbhar Vishranti
The movie revolves around the world of a group of friends in their final year of graduation. With a passion for music, the friends' lives go on a...
Satrangi Re