Using the interrogation of a US counterinsurgency agent as a backdrop, the film explores the consequences of the struggle between Uruguay's...
State of Siege
An aged former sailor, ill and confined in his bed, maintains his firm grip on his house and his son, who is having an affair with the widowed next...
The Moon in the Mirror
During the socialist government of Marmaduke Grove in 1932, a group of villagers decide to take some land in the area of Palmilla....
The Promised Land
Based on an actual murder case that ignited a furious debate over the death penalty in Chile in 1960, this experimental social drama portrays the...
Jackal of Nahueltoro
This is the story of a teenager at the turn of the century in the conservative higher classes of Chile and the initiation rites in his society.
Julio Begins in July
The political evolution in Chile seeing from three different times: 1937, 1947 and 1970. A film that shows how a revolution cannot be accomplished by...
Voto + Fusil
A couple moves from the rural area of the country to the city, looking for better live opportunities during times of unemployment and poverty, in...
El 18 de los García
In this film the director's recurring concerns return: the divisions in the Chilean left, and its contradictions between what the director calls the...
Metamorphosis of the Chief of the Political Police
This stark Chilean melodrama concerns itself with the plight of slum dwellers living outside Santiago. For many years they have, with great...
The Witnesses
The film narrates the problems faced by a small group from the small imaginary town of Tunco that arrives in Santiago to ask their representative in...
Un viaje a Santiago