'The Last Party' is a young romantic comedy that follows a group of four friends at their high school graduation party. Each protagonist with their...
The Last Party
Set in the romantic and multicultural city of Lisbon, the love story between a shy Brazilian man and a fearless Portuguese young woman is haunted by...
The 1990s marked the success of the boy-band Chocante. Twenty years later, the group has disbanded and the members took different paths in life. The...
Based on the classic Brazilian television series that conquered audiences during Sunday night prime time on TV Globo, with improv that happens like...
Sai de Baixo: O Filme
In 1996, during one of the biggest tropical storms ever to hit Rio de Janeiro, Ana and her firefighter team must evacuate a nursing home at risk of...
A Mother's Embrace
Beth, Milena, and Carina are three college students who've shared some of Rio's most wild and legendary parties for the past few semesters. After...