"The Bachelor" TV show turns homosexual fantasy in this 2003 production. Barrett Long, the title bachelor, invites five contestants to his luxurious...
The Bachelor
Brought to because you demanded it. Volume #3 from Regiments Bad Boys series directed by the penultimate director of hottie hunk hardcore, Paul...
Bad Boys 3
The best of 2000 to 2010! An amazing collection with all your favorite gay sex icons on 2 discs! Over 30 of adults hottest male stars!
Gay XXX Superstars of the New Millennium
On a small couch with high rounded arms covered with an orange cloth, against a dark blue panel with three small black-framed pictures, next to a...
Black Daddies & White Sons
It's inherently clear that this Rim comes with a View! These extremely libidinous actors follow the ass-eating instructions found in the pages of the...
A Rim With a View
It's a fun filled outing with my cool uncle-he and I both take a walk on the wild side and experience how the other half lives as we explore the gay...
My Uncle & I Go Gay
The most popular superior officers are those who really know how to get behind their men! These powerful, able bodied men inspire privates here to do...
Major Hardon