This sequel to "Happiness is a Four-Letter Word" finds Zaza, Princess and Zim living new chapters of their lives amid loss, family grudges and new...
Happiness Ever After
A girl gifted at mathematics has her want for education suppressed by an overbearing father, he expects her to heard goats and sees no value to...
In a seemingly perfect community, without war, pain, suffering, differences or choice, a young boy is chosen to learn from an elderly man about the...
The Giver
Liebe auf den ersten Trick
When her husband abruptly ends their marriage, empty nester Kate embarks on a solo second honeymoon in Africa, finding purpose and potential romance.
Holiday in the Wild
Housewife Megan's idyllic life is thrown into turmoil, when it emerges that her husband, Lloyd, faces a heavy prison sentence for tax evasion. Megan,...
Table Manners
Turning forty was meant to be a low-key event for Princess, but when her best friend throws her an unforgettable party, her entire world is shaken up.
Happiness Is