A young man living in a cold southern village in South America, decides to start a trip looking for his father. By doing this he discovers unexpected...
The Journey
Set in Argentina in 1965, the story follows the tumultuous relationship between two men who became lovers and ultimately ruthless bank robbers in a...
Burnt Money
Chau, papá
Sentimientos: Mirta, de Liniers a Estambul
A taxidermist living with his wife and son who suffers from a virus which is mutating himself into another being, then he meets a woman who will...
Cabeza de pescado
Enrique is 37 years old, 12 years of living with his wife and two children. Sick with jealousy, he has just separated from his wife once more. Luis,...
El astillero
A diplomat is sent to Wallachia late nineteenth century. There he meets a young princess. Back in Buenos Aires, and a century later and turned into a...
Vivir mata
A journalist begins to receive envelopes containing erotic pictures, which he connects to a relationship he once had with an actress.
El infierno tan temido
Valdivia is a notorious drunk in a Patagonian dead-end town. His current job is to deliver a golden sheep for the mysterios Sr. Ramenfort.
Winter Land
Sinfín (La muerte no es ninguna solución)