Clyde Griffiths dreams of climbing the corporate ladder and making his way into the highest circles of society. In order to fulfill his most...
American Tragedy
The television musical film is based on the story "Dičius" by Teofilis Tilvitis.
Dičius's Career
Life of Giordano Bruno, including the infamous trial where he was declared as heretic, and the Inquisition issued a sentence of death.
The Process of Giordano Bruno
Film - Reflection. The characters are the people who survived the war, the horror of the fascist concentration camps and the danger of suffocation,...
Ave, Vita
Directed by Raimondas Vabalas, an eccentric and buffoonish tragicomedy and a satirical pamphlet, making fun of chauvinism and petty politicians.
March, march! Tra-ta-ta!