Drama based on events during the 1984/85 miners strike. One of the first dramatised accounts, it was written by Geoffrey Case and directed by Gordon...
Jimmy Muir comes from a typical gritty, northern town where there are only two options: working down the pit or in a factory. But Jimmy has other...
When Saturday Comes
Yorkshire, 1974. Fear, mistrust and institutionalised police corruption are running riot. Rookie journalist Eddie Dunford is determined to search for...
Red Riding: The Year of Our Lord 1974
The workers of Milton Colliery prepare for a royal visit from Prince Charles.
The Price of Coal, Part 1: Meet the People
Documentary style account of a nuclear holocaust and its effect on the working class city of Sheffield, England; and the eventual long run effects of...
A month after the royal visit, the workers at Milton Colliery are brought crashing back down to earth by an underground explosion.
The Price of Coal, Part 2: Back to Reality
George Purse is the gamekeeper for the duke's estate, a role he takes seriously. His position gives him a certain status, but he has an uneasy...
The Gamekeeper
Thatcherism and the Irish troubles provide the backdrop for this study of Mick, a well-meaning youth in Sheffield, who has, unlike Dickens' Pip, no...
Looks and Smiles
A group of 1980s wrestlers are forced to don the lycra once last time when their beloved local pub is threatened with closure.
Walk Like a Panther
Yorkshire writer Kate finds out her biological clock is ticking down the same day that her husband leaves her. To get over the financial crisis this...
Fanny & Elvis
Jamie New is 16 and doesn’t quite fit in—instead of pursuing a "real" career he dreams of becoming a drag queen. Uncertain about his...
Everybody's Talking About Jamie
A 7-year-old boy (Jonathan Mason) struggles to understand why his mother, newly returned from hospital, isn't giving him the attention he craves.
The US President and the UK Prime Minister are planning on launching a war in the Middle East, but—behind the scenes—government officials...
In the Loop
A planning decision must be made, and the motorway extension must go through on either the Golf Course or the Allotments - will the greens survive or...
England's Greens and Peasant Land