A woman inherits an abandoned ranch whose estate is said to be haunted by "the Chooper," the sword-wielding ghost of a vengeance-seeking Indian, in...
Blood Shack
Set in the sordid underworld of drug trafficking and prostitutes, this story involves Charlie Smith, private eye, whose job it is to find Carrie...
Body Fever
Picking a random name out of the phone book, thugs decide to terrorize and kidnap Cee Bee Beaumont, girlfriend of rock sensation Lonnie Lord. Rat...
Rat Pfink a Boo Boo
The adventures of the Lemon Grove Kids in this Bowery Boys inspired kiddie film.
Lemon Grove Kids Meet the Monsters
Three psychotic murderers escape from a mental institution and stalk women in Los Angeles.
The Thrill Killers
A beautiful woman marries a rich man for his money, then embarks on an affair and plans to use her boyfriend to help murder her husband.
Scream of the Butterfly