The perpetual underdog, Wanja gets the unique chance to start a career as an architect and becomes an adult. Amongst all the new privileges she...
Youth Topia
On the hunt for an emotional spark, Fynn sets out to lose himself in various sexual encounters of the night. As day is dawning he stumbles across...
From a swimming pool in Brazil to the back seat of a car in Germany via an apartment in the early hours of the morning where three men dance...
The Male Gaze: Shadows on Skin
Sleeping with a Tiger is a hybrid film about the Austrian painter Maria Lassnig. A film about her struggle in the male dominated art world and the...
Sleeping with a Tiger
Plagued by feelings of guilt, the meeting of two brothers confronts them with feelings that should not be experienced.
Thomas and Manni meet after a long time in a backyard. The long-awaited reunion brings back common memories and lets them revel in the past. Suddenly...
Schwarz oder Weiss
Silver Forest is a brutally realistic coming-of-age story, set in a small Swiss town in a bleak winter landscape. A group of boys struggle with their...
Silver Forest
Marathon runner Jonas Widmer is looking for a way to overcome his tragic past. As a result, he becomes more and more entangled in an ominous double...
Midnight Runner
Frau Holles Garten
30 years ago, Switzerland was shaken by a scandal that seems to have already been forgotten: more than 900,000 people were surveilled because of...
One-way to Moscow
Isi and Ossi couldn't be any more different: She's a billionaire's daughter from Heidelberg, he's a struggling boxer from the nearby town of...
Isi & Ossi
Amidst the preparations for her 35th wedding anniversary, Meredith is surprised by the discovery that she is HIV-positive. Only her husband...