An act of violence resonates through the night, touching upon the lives of different characters, who otherwise would not necessarily exist in each...
After Dark
Inspired by Katherine Anne Porter’s short story “The Rope," this slice of life film portrays the struggle of a writer in dealing with his...
Coffee & Wine
Aye Zindagi follows the journey of a 28-year-old liver cirrhosis patient Vinay Chawla whose unlikely bond with a hospital grief counsellor Revathi,...
Aye Zindagi
Mauji stays in a village near Delhi with his wife Mamta, father and mother. Varun works at a shop that sells sewing machines, owned by Bansal and his...
Sui Dhaaga - Made in India
A story about two young, impressionable kids whose ideas about faith are constantly questioned and changed as their little world expands and takes...
Bhagwan Bharose