The story of a young, pregnant woman whose world falls apart when she loses her child in a hit and run accident. As her life unravels, Nathalie finds...
The High Cost of Living
After a dangerous sea crossing and a stay in a camp in Malaysia, the young Vietnamese Tinh and her family are accepted as refugees in Canada and...
In a dystopian Detroit, grand houses that once housed the wealthy are now homes of the city's most-dangerous criminals. Surrounding the area is a...
Brick Mansions
Ward and Bouchard must face an important car theft ring that turns out to be a lot more than they bargained for: one where the stolen cars will serve...
Bon Cop Bad Cop 2
When a worldwide plot to divert gold which was placed in central banks all across North America is investigated, Pierre Gauthier is summoned to lead...
Neighbors Spencer and Louise have bonded over their fascination with a recent string of murders terrorizing their community. When a new tenant named...
Good Neighbours
In a province not so distant from ours, now controlled by a far-right government, the borders are closed and immigrants, now under threat, are...
The Greatest Country in the World
George Édouard is a janitor at the Montréal Polytechnique. The only other person he meets at night is a PhD student in physics, Audrey....