As much as hair is directly linked to appearance, displaying personality and belonging to a group, it is also intimately linked to being. How many...
Les cheveux en quatre
Cities Held Hostage: Main basse sur la ville
Olivier Higgins and Mélanie Carrierdo make a tour on bikes through Québéc. A documentary of the relationship of indigenous...
Mohawk archaeologist Baptiste Asigny engages in a search for his ancestors following a tragic terrain slump in the Percival Molson Stadium.
Hochelaga, Land of Souls
In the form of a haiku, Gros Mardi (Busy Tuesday) is a little poem that celebrates the evanescence of things and... outdoor cardio.
Busy Tuesday
A seasoned anthropologist, a great friend of the Amerindians, a free thinker, a prolific writer and a radio host with a magnetic voice, Serge...
Serge Bouchard, le moineau sauvage