Bombay Police are baffled by a series of crimes - all at the hands of arch-criminal "Black Cat" who leaves his calling card at every scene of the...
Black Cat
Roopa returns from England to be confronted with the dead body of her father, one of the most renowned scientists in the country. Her late father had...
Miss Chalbaaz
In this Bollywood classic tearjerker, a romance for the ages blooms between the puppeteer Shivraj and the young admirer Pushpa after Shivraj loses...
Kath Putli
Having been unjustly accused of having an affair, a dutiful and loving wife is thrown out of the house by her husband and forced to abandon her baby....
Complications, impersonations and moral dilemmas arise when a Punjabi pretends to be a Tamil in order to obtain accommodation in New Delhi. An...
New Delhi