Trapped in their office by a baying crowd from all religious backgrounds, a group of filmmakers contemplate a fictional short film they have made...
Follows the early years of two unknown 18 year old amateur boxers who quickly fought their way to becoming the most feared and respected villains in...
The Rise of the Krays
The brutal brothers from Bethnal Green are back and bloodier than ever in Fall of the Krays. Following on from the ferocious Rise Of The Krays, Fall...
The Fall of the Krays
A dramatisation based on the exchange of letters between Mary Queen of Scots and her cousin Elizabeth I, detailing the hatred and obsession in their...
Bloody Queens: Elizabeth and Mary
Notorious gangster, Pat Tate, rises through the ranks of Essex's criminal underworld. A prequel to the 'Rise of the Footsoldier' franchise.
Rise of the Footsoldier 3: The Pat Tate Story
Known for his brutally violent policing tactics, suspended police officer Michael Clarke is sent undercover to infiltrate the notorious London...
Undercover Hooligan
Gemma and Will are shattered when their son dies in an accident. Gemma blames herself and starts to have panic attacks that affect her eyesight - and...
The Unseen