A lone gunman gets a last-minute pardon from death row, with the mission to deliver a woman of mysterious powers to an evil Governor. Against the...
Living in seclusion from the rest of the world, Daniel Bauer goes about his job as a gardener in the botanical gardens. A rather inconspicuous young...
A fictional account of one year in the life of Empress Elisabeth of Austria. On Christmas Eve 1877, Elisabeth, once idolized for her beauty, turns 40...
Franz Fuchs – A Patriot
Der Metzger muß nachsitzen
Together with her best friend Milena, the ambitious dancer Anna works hard to realize her dream of a successful dance career. When the chance arose...
Die Tänzerin - Lebe deinen Traum
A cold day in January 2006. The police make a horrible discovery in the Swedish town of Hudiksvall: In one night, 18 people have been brutally...
The Chinese Man
Leopold Wallisch, nick-named "Lemming", was fired from the homicide department due to intrigues by his colleague Krotznig. Now he works for a small...
Lemming's First Case
Urlaub mit Mama
Prinz Eugen und das Osmanische Reich – Mehr als nur Feinde