Lacking a traditional plot, the non-linear story follows the path of emotions and sensations. Based on actual events the film shows five acts –...
Such a Landscape
After “Heat”, it is the second short feature film directed by Agata Trzebuchowska, who is known as the leading actress in Paweł...
The fate of a religious and a young woman intertwine when they both suffer the loss of a loved one.
If You Go Away
When a girl's body is found on a beach in Poland's Tricity, a prosecutor teams up with the victim's mother on an impassioned quest for the truth.
Colors of Evil: Red
Initiated in 2016, this artistic endeavor brings together non-binary, transgender, and queer individuals to explore their experiences beyond external...
City of Warsaw, Poland, August 1st, 1944. Citizens have experienced inhuman acts of terror and violence during five long years of Nazi occupation. As...
Warsaw 44
Two girls clean places after somebody dies there. Sometimes they sell the belongings of the dead at a flea market. When they meet an odd guy who has...
Little Crushes
A fictionalised portrait of Polish artists W. Bąkowski and Z. Bartoszek.
A Heart of Love
The story of Eugeniusz Bodo, a famous Polish actor and singer, who was at the peak of his career in 1930s.