A thriller set in New York City during the winter of 1981, statistically one of the most violent years in the city's history, and centered on the...
A Most Violent Year
A teenage con artist tricks a desperate mother into hiring her as a live-in companion for her autistic daughter.
Jack of the Red Hearts
Documentary - The documentary directed by Joshua Seftel follows the revival production of the Broadway musical including casting, rehearsals, and...
ANNIE: It's the Hard-Knock Life, from Script to Stage
During the quarantine, a close and eclectic group of New York theater industry friends gather for their weekly online Dungeons and Dragons campaign...
Shadow Vaults
Sherry Graham, a self-destructive makeup saleswoman, hopes a new man and business venture will provide her a fresh start. After her plans are foiled,...
Easy Living
A man becomes the superintendent of a large New York City apartment building where people mysteriously go missing.
The Super
Annie is a young, happy foster kid who's also tough enough to make her way on the streets of New York in 2014. Originally left by her parents as a...
In a small town in Massachusetts, four high school girls perform a ritual in an attempt to debunk the lore of Slender Man. When one of the girls goes...
Slender Man
It’s 1984 and outside a small-town nightclub, a group of 8th graders gather, grappling with a spate of recent suicides, UFO sightings, their...
18 to Party
An optimistic, talented teen clings to a huge secret: she's homeless and living on a school bus. When tragedy strikes, can she learn to accept a...
All Together Now