Uma, a young and bright student and her father, Job, an excellent musician living a happy and peaceful life together in Kolkata on the east bank of...
Is a coming of age love story that follows the lives of four school friends who are trying to figure out their interests and options after school.
Kala Viplavam Pranayam
Simon, a charming young Malayalee boy, is a die-hard fan of the Tamil superstar Vijay. However, his parents, who dream of a successful career for...
Pokkiri Simon
Vallikudilile Vellakkaran is a Malayalam movie starring Balu Varghese and Renji Panicker in prominent roles. It is a comedy drama directed by...
Vallikudilile Vellakkaran
A film based on a Chief Minister of Kerala who is against an invisible foe and everyone else scheming for their selfish gains.
The film revolves around the lives of two childhood friends Sreekuttan and Anwar, who fall for the same girl